
Showing posts from August, 2024

Hello! Is this thing on?

Howdy, everyone! Draconic Boom here, posting from my brand-new blog. I like my regular website, but I do a lot of projects, so I wanted to have a way to share them with the world in a more organized, chronological fashion. See, the truth is that while I do music, I also code & design things, do art, crafts, and all sorts of things! Draconic Boom, at least for the time being, is meant to be my sort of catch-all for whatever I'm working on that I think it would be neat to share with the world. I suppose that social media is also kind of for this, but if I'm being honest I really struggle with traditional social media--I don't like algorithms, and I'm not great at keeping up with trends. I mostly just like doing my own thing. But I still like sharing what I'm working on! Maybe at some point I'll make an email list. I've got a lot of interesting stuff that I'm cooking up, including more songs and game things, but for this inaugural post, I think I'll...